
China manufacturing - I’ve visited the factory making FERRON bags

At FERRON, we believe in being open and honest in the way we do business and operating in a fair and sustainable manner. We are transparent. There are a handful of luxury handbag brands that produce their bags in Europe. It is safe to say, however, that the majority of brands outsource elsewhere. And I’m absolutely not using it as an excuse for my brand’s handbags being produced in China. I’m actually quite proud and couldn’t be more excited about FERRON’s extended team over in Guangzhou. And I want to make sure that you, as a customer, are fully informed...

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Viva Vegan Charity Hogwood: a modern horror story

Hogwood: a modern horror story is the film the meat industry doesn't want you to see

You're being lied to. Each day, you are bombarded with messages that reassure you that your food is safe, that it has come from a good place and that the animals have been well cared for. It's time to uncover the truth. Animal documentaries can have a monumental impact in creating a vegan world. Cowspiracy uncovered the shocking truth about the environmental impact of animal agriculture on our planet, while animal cruelty documentary, Blackfish, was the catalyst to the eventual banning of orcas in captivity. Every time a new vegan documentary is released, it has the power to start conversations,...

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What is vegan leather?

British Vogue’s affair with vegan fashion has been ongoing for a while. Last November, they showcased a list of vegan bags “that look as good as the real thing”. The article says that according to a survey by the Vegan Society, the number of vegans in Britain has risen by 350 percent and with over 500,000 people in the UK now identifying as vegan. Numbers of vegetarian and fast fashion conscious population is on the rise too.  Why use vegan leather? It is not only ethical reasons but also environmental benefits that encourage vegan lifestyle. The livestock required to produce...

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The Animal Rights March 2019 in London | 17 August 2019

The Official Animal Rights March is an annual vegan march founded by Surge in 2016. The purpose of the march is to unite the vegan community globally and to inspire vegans to speak up for animals in their everyday lives and get active in their local communities. Record 12,000 vegan activists took part in London The Animal Rights March on August 17th 2019. It was an amazing day! I loved everything about the march- its mission, vision and unbelievably beautiful energy of all of us marching the streets of London and demanding an end to the exploitation of animals.  

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FERRON walks the the walk on the UK's only vegan catwalk at Bare Fashion

London’s only vegan fashion and beauty show was back for its second consecutive year, featuring catwalk shows, workshops and more than 100 of the best independent and well-known brands. FERRON was one of them and has been introduced to the audience as a luxury vegan handbag brand. The show was held at the Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane on August 10th.   “It’s compassion-led but it is absolutely style-led, too,” says event organiser Sarah Lindsay. “This show is for anyone interested in creating a fashionable, sustainable, ethical wardrobe and ensuring their beauty products are beautiful for animals and the planet,...

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FERRON showcased in September issue of British Vogue!

From activists to artists, prime ministers to climate change campaigners- meet 15 extraordinary women on the cover of British Vogue! September issue of British Vogue not only includes a conversation between The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan and former US First Lady, Michelle Obama but also features stars and celebrities, such as Jane Fonda, Salma Hayek Pinault, Greta Thunberg, etc. to name a few. What is also very special about this month's issue, is that it showcases FERRON in their  “Consciously Vegan” section of the magazine!! British Vogue’s affair with vegan fashion has been ongoing for a while. Last November, they...

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